First time home buyers are their own brand of special. Personally, I like them. Walking side-by-side through one of life’s biggest milestones, welcoming a new neighbor to the hood, though work-, time- and therapy- intensive, it’s incredibly rewarding.
As realtors, we’re always promoting presales. Especially in neighborhoods with lots of new development like Jersey City, Manhattan and the surrounding boroughs, pre-sales are everywhere.
Do you remember that song, If I Had a Million Dollars? To most, a million dollars is still a substantial amount of money (and according to the Barenaked Ladies it could buy you a house, a boat, or a fur coat – but not a real fur coat ‘cause that’s cruel).
We’re breaking it down, simple style. Study our seven steps to buying and be an expert in no time — or at least ready to begin your search.
Pre-Approval: This one’s kinda common knowledge, but don’t worry if you’re in the dark.